
Affirmations works

 Rewire your Brain with positive Affirmations An affirmation is usually a sentence (mixture of powerful words) put together in a positive statement.This statement is repeated regularly throughout the day. The aim is to program your mind both at a conscious and subconscious level in order to motivate you, to challenge you, and to support you in reaching your full potential in life! Why are affirmations so powerful? Affirmations as a posituve self-talk can help you to alter subconscious thoughts. Research has shown that if we hear something often enough, then we’ll believe it!   Just like at the gym – if you exercise or lift weights repeatedly & regularly, you’re going to build up muscle and muscle tone, it’s the same with our minds!!! If we keep having the same thoughts over and over then we’re coding and programming ourselves (either positively or negatively) to believe what we’re hearing.  And our subsequent & corresponding behaviours become our habits and our habits influence